Oriel Stepanov
25 years old
80 kg
He's rather reserved and even socially awkward at times, but if you can earn his trust, you may find a good friend, or a trustworthy ally.
He gained a strong sense of justice over time. Oriel strongly disapproves of laziness, bribery and many other things his homeland's authorities are guilty of. He knows the in's and out's of a criminal's mind from experience.
Initially, he didn't take his first kill too well, bu got over it rather quickly. Someone had to die there, and he didn't want to.
He's always been a survivor, and won't be pulling punches when push comes to shove. He's not afraid of violence, but he won't attack or lash out unprovoked.
In a stressful situation, he can usually shove his emotions aside and keep a cool head. He's a rational and reasonable person. You can convince him with logic.
"There are necessary evils in this world."
"If you want something done well, do it yourself."
"We've all done things."
"Ignorance is bliss."
6'0, 172lbs.
Bulging forearms, large shoulders and arms. Lean, yet muscular build. Typical for a wrestler.
A horizontal scar on his left arm, gray eyes, pale skin. Long, dark hair and a stubble.
Usually wears clothing in shades of gray.
He has a rather large horizontal scar on his left arm.
Notable Skills
He knows his way around a gun and blade, due to his criminal past. Sneaking and lockpicking are things he's familiar with, too.
He's been an amateur wrestler for years.
Oriel picked up some survival skills on the go, since the outbreak.
Very few would ever get to hear it, but he has a nice singing voice.
He can speak both English and Russian fluently.
Oriel was born in the outskirts of Moscow to a police officer named Viktor and a nurse, Syuzanna. His father tried to teach him everything he knew, since a very young age and hoped Oriel would follow his footsteps in the future. Whether for better or for worse, their relationship turned sour quite fast. Oriel had his own plans, wanted to be his own person, not just a shadow of his father, even though Viktor was a rather succesful man, all things considered.
Young Oriel was a troublemaker. It started with fist fights with his classmates back in middle school, a few years later he had an episode of drug dealing, and ended with almost losing his life to a criminal for doing the right thing.
One day, he found himself in a wrong place and at a wrong time, and saw something he wasn't supposed to see. A famous politician was fixing the upcoming elections, and the local mafia supported him. Oriel, after eavesdropping on the entire conversion, immediately reported his findings to the authorities, but the plot was much thicker than he initially thought. He was sold out. Both parties wanted him silenced, for good. There was an attempt on his life, where he was forced to kill the attacker in self defense, and earn a big horizontal scar on his left arm in the process. He had to cover up the entire incident himself, for his own good, and succeeded at that. This situation was his turning point.
Oriel cut all his ties with the criminal underworld and took an entirely different path in his life...
...And lost all his faith and trust in his homeland's authorities in the process.
Just a year later, in 1999, he found himself working all kinds of jobs around New York, just to make ends meet. His last job led him to Braddock island, at the beginning of the year 2000, when the outbreak happened. He survived by sticking to the shadows, laying low, and moving from place to place when the supplies were running out.