Image of Lilith Darkborn

Lilith Darkborn

21 years old
45 kg


It’s going to depend on who you are, how you introduce yourself, and if Lilith feels as though she has something to prove today. The young woman is very headstrong and often finds herself grating up against others. If her personality is like sandpaper, she hopes you’ll hurt yourself against it. Not to say she’s all moody and rough, she can make friends with someone she thinks is ‘cool’ or someone who thinks that of her. Lilith is still “stuck in her alternative phase” (although if she heard anyone say that, they’d soon find themselves on her shit list) and can struggle to find real enjoyment in things without feeling shame. A few of the things that get through are her love for music, rash and impulsive decisions, and smithing. She often finds herself performing self-destructive habits- whether that’s doing all manners of drugs (Coke being a favorite), burning bridges, or withholding certain necessities from herself. She’ll go through periods where she’s loud and overexerts herself trying to shine brightly, and turning inward where she’ll put that hate to others into herself. Every so often she’ll channel some of her worst emotions to her songs- but that can often have a negative feedback loop where she’ll try and target someone close to her with something lyrically upsetting. As the infection grows, she’ll find herself enjoying the violence that is required to live day-to-day. Though, it is an incredibly unhealthy outlet, and will wear on her without her realizing until the trauma of stabbing people is settled neatly within her mind.


(CW: Anorexia) Lilith quietly obsesses about the way other people perceive her. She’s done her best to cultivate a ‘barbed wire’ kind of image. The girl is concerningly skinny, and she’s usually not feeling enough shame to hide it. Sharp angles, visible ribs, she places that suffering on display in an effort to control how people view her. She has dark black hair, blue eyes, more than half a dozen piercings between her ears, nose, and eyebrows. Speaking of accessories, she also sports dozens of tattoos along her arms, chest, and legs.Most of the ones on her arm are classic american-style tattoos.Many are in the same style, having gotten them from one person Her left hand features the word “RAGE” and the right: “FEAR”. Her style is firmly alternative/grunge, and instead of tying her hair back she’ll wear a hat to keep it back. Even when the infection gets worse, she’ll find herself dressing similarly, preferring to keep to “style” than protection.

Notable Skills

When she was young, Lilith excelled at Gymnastics along with Track & Field, though she quickly fell out of both hobbies when her second father, Lyle, died in a car accident. Lilith gets a lot of her skills from her “Third Father”, Colt. One of the last people she was openly close to. He helped teach her how to play the guitar and the bass (Lilith preferred the bass of the two) and shared his hobby of forging with her. He more commonly made knives and might go through an order or two for a sword. Lilith found it as a great way to put out her anger and took to it. Were Colt still around, she’d likely be making her way to a trade skill to follow after it. Instead, after his death, she started getting more rebellious and criminal. She knows how to pick a lock and run away from the law. Lilith was on track to become a tattoo artist and often practiced the art without a proper license.


It wasn’t Lilith’s fault that her parents went through with having her, despite both of them being much too young to have a child. The early years were a struggle with grandparents more happy to say “I told you so” to her parents than lend a hand. Things only got worse when she turned 4, and her mom was now expecting a little boy. Her father couldn’t take the stress as he held a crying child in one arm, and Lilith tugged at his shirt asking him to come draw with her. He quietly packed his things and “left to grab cigarettes”. He left Nathan, Lilith, and her mother to fend for themselves. At this age, Lilith was eager to please her mother and quickly picked up the weight around the house. During 3rd grade, Lilith’s mom ended up going steady with a man she had been seeing and moved in with him. Lyle was a little league soccer coach and was more than ready to pick up the weight Lilith had been carrying in the home. He got her involved in an array of sports until two stuck: Gymnastics and Track. He took her to her classes and was diligent in picking her up as her Mother started a new career. Her childhood was beginning to look up, especially as she made strong friends with a nervous girl in her class, Elaine. Lilith happily talked off Elaine’s ear and invited the girl over to her house after practice to play. She started to make more friendships beyond Elaine (though she remained her closest friend), and after her mother and Lyle got married, was finally calling Lyle “Dad”. Soon enough, she only ever heard people saying “Sorry” to her. A few weeks after state competition in gymnastics where she was one placement shy of going to nationals. She begged to practice more, and her family obliged, even though she had to use a gym across the city. One evening, when Lyle was on the way to pick her up from class, an 18 wheeler had suffered a critical malfunction and lost control. The paramedic proclaimed his time of death upon arrival, and the firemen were able to use the jaws of life to pull out little 6 year old Nathan from the crumpled back seat. She soon lost interest in both hobbies her late step father had gotten her into.. She couldn’t express her emotions in a way that didn’t show how angry she was, causing most of her friends to cut off contact. Except Elaine, of course. No matter how much Lilith got angry with her, Elaine stuck around. Lilith even went so far as to come up with a ‘New Name’ to represent how she felt on the inside, “Lilith Darkborn” She’s stuck to that name since. During this period of grief, her mother was consoled by a long-time friend who was back in New York as he was in between tours. Colt saw the pain she was going through and did his best to help. He read some of her poetry and composed music to go with it, sparking her interest. Slowly, she began to heal. She stopped being as awful at school and could funnel her worst emotions into positive outlets. Colt would bring her to a few (of the safe) shows he had in the city and was the reason she still holds onto the dream of becoming a “rockstar”. Winter of Lilith’s Freshman year shepherded a new tragedy into her life. Colt was diagnosed with a late stage of cancer. She witnessed her third father try and fight it and slowly turn into a husk from chemotherapy. He stayed around just long enough to celebrate her 16th birthday. All the lessons on how to express her grief through positive channels went out the window. One of Colt’s old friends, Mickey, was the one there to comfort her. He let her hang around his tattoo shop and didn’t mind dealing drugs to her and her friends. During the next two years she only hung out in areas with drugs and assholes. In her senior year, she was unable to finish high school and got expelled after too many absences. Lilith’s relationship with her mother suffered during this time, she blamed her for the death of Lyle and Colt, along with being the reason her bio dad left them. After 18, she got into a large fight with her mother and slashed her tires. She was soon kicked out of the house, and went to live with Mickey. She stayed with him for about three weeks, but soon left. She no longer felt safe there after having a confrontation with the man. She vented to Elaine about it, who in turn tattled Mickey to Lilith’s mother. Police were called as a sort of retaliation, but Mickey was saddled with charges for possession and dealing. Lilith was furious with the actions taken by her “friend” and “family” for something she didn’t think was a big deal. She stayed out of the house and limited contact with her mother, continuing to work at Mickey’s Tattoo place, “Prohibitioned Ink” Her mother wanted to try and get back on talking terms with her and ordered her a vacation for her to take with Elaine. Lilith normally might have denied it to feel superior, but was struggling living on her own. She accepted the gift, and they boarded the craft. It didn’t get far, and soon found Braddock Island…

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
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Players Online 29 | Staff Online 2 | Game Time 9PM, May 19, 2002
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