Looking for your next
post-apocalyptic adventure?

We provide an engaging role-playing experience in Project Zomboid. With a dedicated staff and event team to provide intriguing storylines and events you're in for one hell of a ride. Join our community today by simply joining our Discord and logging into our website here to create your character! These aren't the end times. It's a new beginning.

What makes us different!

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Main Storyline

On Wasteland - you can always expect a complete storyline for each Season we publish. Whether it's a complete revamp of the vanilla Project Zomboid experience or additions to the existing one - it's always a new unique experience. The storyline affects the world meaning it could affect in-game areas (bigger hordes in certain cities), bridges being blown up and players having to rebuild or the likes.

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Player vs. Player incidents are a tad bit more rare than on other servers. However once you experience them you'll be feeling nervous in real life from scouting out other factions bases to plant walkie-talkies to eavesdrop or to wipe out the whole faction. Given our players live out their characters to the fullest, a character death can be devastating and re-arrange the whole server if a big name is killed.

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Player Events

Staff made events are always incredibly fun, but sometimes you want to organize an event of yourself. We have an expert team of builders, familiar with the Zomboid map tools to help you create the scene for your event, be it a festival, criminal trial or no holds barred fighting arena. We'll also assist in event promotion to ensure everyone knows when it's happening.

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Custom Mods

Our server has over thirty custom mods written exclusively for Wasteland, with a passionate modding team working on new weapons, maps and features. We combine these with a carefully curated set of workshop mods, adjusted to work together seamlessly. Each mod goes through our QA team to ensure it's bug-free and balanced before it reaches the live server.

What the Wasteland brings

In a world where society has crumbled, and the streets are teeming with the undead, your survival is in your hands. Become part of our vibrant and immersive community, where we offer custom events, mods, models, mechanics, and even newly crafted cities to explore. Scour for tools, craft unique scrap weapons and tools exclusive to the Wasteland, and unite with anyone you can find to brave the relentless onslaught of the walking dead.

With an impressive tally of 991 characters introduced during Season 3 alone, each leaving their indelible mark on the Wastelands of Knox County and New Albany.

Join us now and become a vital part of the excitement; the undead won't give you a moment's respite.
Promo of some of our items
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 41 | Staff Online 2 | Game Time 3PM, May 19, 2002
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