Image of Sam Burton

Sam Burton

31 years old
65 kg


Sam is quite a stoic individual, preferring to hide his feelings under a thick layer of sarcasm seeming able to crack joke around no matter the situation, He is quick to assess people deciding if they would be useful to him within a few minutes of talking to each over. However the more you get to know him all you would see is a emotionally guarded, Cynical man always waiting for something to go wrong or someone to betray him he is never able to truly relax constantly looking for the exit's to anywhere he goes and never telling people what he rely feels. Always looking to make a quick buck Sam is willing to talk with anyone no matter their affiliation, he will try and deescalate most conflicts because he sees violence as a waste of not only time but also a loss opportunity to make a deal however if left no other choice he will not hesitate to shed blood with cold hearted pragmatism. Artwork by Matheus Rocha on pinterest (


Sam is a weathered pale white man looking a few years older then he should, His face marked with wrinkles he has stern look with deep blackish brown eyes seeming always scanning his surroundings and messy brown hair he has an ungroomed rugged beard. already consider shorter by most people at 5'7 he dose himself no favors always standing slightly slouched it would seem Sam takes no care for himself or how others see him, but this could not be further from the truth he seen to have a very strict work out routine packing his small frame with lean muscle mass.

Notable Skills

Fitness - Years of rigorous training has left Sam in almost peak physical condition able to run for miles with out getting to tried and the strength to endure through most physically demanding tasks. Weapon proficiency - With his military training and a few years of combat experience Sam is highly skilled in the usage of most weapon systems although no sniper by any means he will be able to pick up most weapons and fire down range. Gunsmithing - Sams time as an armoured has left him an expert when it comes to the repairs, modification and replacement of parts for most weapon system used to date if you ask him about a weapon he could write you the manual. Smuggling - Years in the trade has left he with a few tricks weather that be plastering over a few bricks of coke to hide them in a wall or hollowing out the underside of a table to hide a pistol just in case, Sam has an eye for hiding contraband. Bartending - left over from his bar days Sam can make a mean cocktail.


Born in the United Kingdom as a single child under a working class family Sam was a loud and energetic kid, His father seeing him need to a way to expend his energy used to take him out on his fishing boat every weekend trying his best to teach him all he could about life on the sea, Sam found comfort in this routine and loved the skills he learnt however they would begin to drift apart after he started secondary school he would fall a rut although his teachers would say he was natural able to pick up on things quickly he would still fall behind somewhat due to his absents in his classes along with his constant mocking and belittling of other students still he mature as he grow up finding a group of friends to hang around and over all mellowing out although he would still tease his classmates it was no longer out of spite or malice he even stated to focus on school a bit more ending with mostly Bs but had a few As here and there. After secondary school Sam had no clue what to do with his life even though he improved his grades he never found anything more then a passing interest for any particular subject and no real interest for any career path he found himself sat in time stagnate watching time go by as his friends started to pick up apprenticeships that was until he passed by a army careers centre on a run thinking to himself there was nothing to loss he decided to have a look after being greeted by a recruiter and doing a few fitness tests he found himself on a train down to Harrogate sold on a dream to start his basic training. The next 23 weeks went by like a blur of sweat, tears and pain Sam hated ever second of it the endless morning runs, Constant drills that made him feel as though his body was about to crumble and what seemed like the never ending shouting of the instructors who somehow always found something wrong, Even so before long he was finally starting his course to becoming an armourer learning all he could about the repairs and maintenance of the army's weapon systems. As the time went by Sam continued to grow his expertise and continued honing in on his skills, while deployed his thoughts began to drift to a more direct role wanting to use his skills in real time under fire and so after 3 long years he would fill out the paper work to transfer over to the infantry where he would serve in a few more deployments helping out in a joint operations mission before retiring. Shortly before his military service ended, Sam received news that both his parents had died in a car crash devastated by the loss he felt he had lost all direction in life left feeling numb he would isolate himself for the last few months before leaving only to come home to nothing but the old now rusty fishing ship that his father put his heart and soul into. Sam would visit the grave of his parents cleaning them up before renting a hotel room and finally with it all getting to much he would brake down into a sobbing mess no longer a brave solder just a youthful adult with no plan on what to do and wanting nothing more then to hug his parents one last time. Sam would end up working as a bartender to make ends meet and as a way to bury his feelings while thinking of his next move. Over the next year Sam saved every penny he could, pouring his time and energy into restoring his father’s old boat almost as a way to relive his childhood with his father refusing to let his memory's with him die. It took some time but the ship was eventually seaworthy, this left him broke and in need of a quick buck Sam was approached with a proposition to carry a package across to Ireland no questions asked He agreed. The job went smoothly, and soon he found himself smuggling more items across the sea, earning a reputation as a discreet and reliable individual willing to move anything from drugs to guns he did not care to ask along as the money was good. However one day, Sam received a call from an old friend back in his military days, who invited him to New York to catch up before heading off on a cruise. Sam feeling like he was being crushed by work like the idea of reuniting and so agreed however not long after their final goodbye as Sam was about to leave new York the ship his friend was on went dark. After the ship his friend was on went dark, Sam decided to stay in New York trying to figure out what happened. However as the state of the city rapidly deteriorated with violences everywhere he looked, His own survival became the focus he would hide as best he could while chaos overtook his surrounding overhearing something about ferries leaving through Battery Park Sam would decide this was his last chance however this hope would shorty be crushed by the time he arrived there was no ferrie left, despite this Sam refused to give up although it took him a while he made his way over to a dock raiding the few boats he could for a key finally getting lucky after hours of searching he would set sail to barddock in search of safety.

WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 31 | Staff Online 0 | Game Time 7PM, May 19, 2002
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