Image of Luisa Brennenburg

Luisa Brennenburg

26 years old
81 kg


Despite her rather 'emotionless' facial expressions she is fairly actively talking with her hands, always making sure to underline her saying with meaningful gestures. The words she speaks are often carefully selected, if time provides the needed time for that. She appears like a person, who spends a lot time thinking before speaking or acting on something, which is reflected by her hobby of having a good book. She always escaped into her own little worlds reading books - and in these times her need for that is quite bigger than before. Other might be tempted to call her 'a gray mouse', one face of many, just a young adult. There is nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to Luisa. She tries to swim with the masses, trying to adapt here and there if she can, even if she mostly stayed the same person over the years. More quiet than loud, no interests or uses of drugs like alcohol or cigarettes as of now. She feels highly uncomfortable when it comes to seeing weapons, not to mention even handling them. A spectator might notice a slight shiver, a soft shaking of her hands whenever Luisa starts getting stressed out over something. If being pushed too far in the past she was known to flee somewhere remotely safe, a place she felt comfortable and started to compensate for her own unwellness by distracting herself with books, comics, long walks or simply just petting her beloved cat 'Snibbels'. She has turned from being an uncomplicated, trusting person into someone, who values caution and a safe haven over unnecessary risks.


Luisa is not the tallest of woman. Next to her blonde hair, one will notice her glasses which appear to be pretty strong, as her eyes appear somewhat bigger through them. One could imagine, that Luisa would have slight problems if she would lose her glasses. Her face is youthful and her facial expressions often neutral. Emotions like happiness or sadness are rarely seen on her face. Her voice is soft and yet a little darker and she can't hide her German accent - which she isn't even trying. Her clothing style is mostly casual. Comfy hoodies and sweaters are greatly used, everything that hides and protects most of her body.

Notable Skills

She is able to survive in nature, giving that she has access to the most basic tools. As a former scout she has some knowledge about foraging, fishing and can differ good mushrooms and berries from those, that you better stay away from. That also comes with a decent repertoire when it comes to cooking.


Luisa Brennenburg, always called "Lu" or "Lulu" by her few friends, was born in a small town in the middle of Austria. Unfortunately, her mother did not survive her birth due to unexpected complications. She grew up alone with her father and learned early on to take responsibility for her own actions, as well as for her fathers. While other children had plenty of time to play with friends and peers at a young age and even as a teenager, Luisa had learned to take care of a whole household, cook and even took a job to earn some extra money. That didn't make her hobbyless, no, after work she liked to escape into her books. Fantasy worlds, horror, action and drama - there was hardly a subject she didn't enjoy reading. Luisa was a good student, brought home good notes and graduated as one of the bests of her year. She never had troubles making a decision for her own but she sometimes needed something to push her. Becoming an author of a book of her own has always been her biggest dream. She even wrote a few short stories but now that she was done with school she had some extra time. She took a job as kitchen helper and prepared food in a local restaurant and from her earnings she - and her father - flew to the United States just a few years later. 6 weeks they wanted to travel from south-west to the south-east, to visit many places and gather plenty impressions to gain the needed creativity and inspiration for something, that should be a great written work of Luisa. But the situation got complicated when the circumstances around roaming rumours became more and more reality. As the shit hit the fence, Luisa and her father joined a little group and settled for Braddock Island and despite the now living and even unliving horrors and infected of live they got along good so far. That changed when Luisas father travelled with a handfull of people down south, as they wanted to reach out to another group, whos radio transmission sounded more than troubled. Alledgedly there was a medical emergency and alledgedly no one was willing or able to help. That day marked the last time Luisa saw her father as of now. Hours, days, weeks flew by before an unlucky incident inside the now fairly small group led to its disintegration. Luisa has nowhere else to go and knows that staying alone on the road will mean certain death. She wants to find people to care for, she wants to be cared for and she wants a place that allows her to hide from realitiy - even if it is just for a few moments.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 76 | Staff Online 8 | Game Time 10AM, August 4, 2002
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