Image of Daiyu Shao

Daiyu Shao

29 years old
81 kg


Daiyu had a hard time containing her tongue throughout her life, her bitter attitude to people often causing her to butt heads with others. She often met situations with a sarcastic humor, never letting her vulnerable side be shown, especially since being betrayed. She tried to keep people at arms length, though those she became fond of would often find an unwavering loyalty from her, even to their detriment. When angered, she had been known to react explosively, taking her reactions to extreme lengths and holding bitter grudges.


Daiyu stands at 5’10 with fair skin and dark brown eyes, her expression is often neutral as she watches people with curiosity. Despite dressing often in a more alternative style, Daiyu was without any tattoos or piercings at the time of the outbreak, keeping a clean cut appearance. Her long black hair seems to be an area of pride for her, rarely is it seen unbrushed or messy. Her slender frame is often poised in a relaxed manner, the biologist often having an extremely laid back attitude tainted with apathy.

Notable Skills

Daiyu was fortunate enough to speak Mandarin at home, giving her a fluency in her heritage tongue. During University she took an elective in ASL, proving useful when the farmer she had been paired with for her thesis turned out to be mute. Aside from her talents in Biology, Daiyu had grown to prove an effective green thumb when tending to the plants in her lab.


Born to a pair of Chinese immigrants, Daiyu always had high expectations placed on her when her parents failed to produce a second born. Her fathers status as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology afforded them a comfortable lifestyle in Boston. In 1976 Daiyus' father was unfortunately lost to a car accident, leaving her and her mother with little means to retain their lifestyle in the higher end of Boston. Her mother was forced back into work trying to maintain the life they had, refusing to downsize, this ultimately led to Daiyu and her mother being broke. After this pressure on Daiyu increased as her mother insisted her to succeed academically. Daiyu always had a passion for fashion, something she often dreamed of pursuing as a career. However, Daiyus mother did not see the value in this and pressured her daughter to pursue the sciences like her father. Daiyu was rebellious, now residing in Roxbury, local gang violence and crime was prevalent and had an influence on the young girl. Despite succeeding well academically she was often brought home by officers for fighting and antisocial behavior, as she got older this graduated to petty thefts and vandalism. In her later teenage years, her mother became sick, despite Daiyus plans to pursue fashion she felt pressure to follow her mothers wishes in order to be able to support her. It was in her early childhood she met Noah, a slightly younger boy in the neighborhood. The pair remained steady friends throughout the years, Daiyu even teaching them her home language of Mandarin. Scholarships only covered so much and with her behavioral history she failed to achieve entering the same level of University as her father. This alongside her mothers medical bills, Daiyu studies in Biology were under threat. Daiyu contacted old friends in the neighborhood who employed her to tend to their illegal grow labs, her expertise in biology and fascination with agriculture ensured their profits and product yield soared. In this time she fell deeply in love with someone who was also involved in the operation. They became her break from the stresses of the world, despite their sometimes turbulent relationship, they eventually moved in together and planned for their life beyond Daiyus' education. She even brought Noah into her more shadier dealers, the duo keeping an eye on each other. The success of the illegal venture meant Daiyu was able to fund herself through a masters program, before finally being offered the chance to pursue a PhD with a focus on biodiversity. It however came with the condition that she would need to relocate to the research lab on Braddock Island. Daiyu was hesitant to go, not wishing to leave her life behind for an undisclosed number of years. Intending to reject the offer in favor of staying, Daiyu returned home early from the University. It was here she found her fiance in bed with another. The pursuing argument caused Daiyu to lose herself in anger, attacking the strange woman who was in her home. Her lover told her to leave unless she wanted to deal with them pressing charges, accusing Daiyu of never being around due to her studies and confirming that the affair had been ongoing for the last two years. Bloodied, bruised and heartbroken, Daiyu decided to accept the PhD program offer. Arriving in 1997, Daiyu threw herself into her research. Studying the biodiversity of the island for her doctoral thesis. In 1998 she learned of her mothers passing from her illness. Despite her brilliance in her work, she felt constrained by her desire to be creative, becoming a bitter and work focused individual. Noah joined her on the Island at her suggestion, himself looking for a new life. As news reports of increasing violent attacks across the globe would start to spread Daiyu remained distracted by her insistent need to work. The island seemed as quiet and peaceful as always to her, despite the horizon darkening as a storm brewed.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 78 | Staff Online 7 | Game Time 11AM, August 4, 2002
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