Image of Talyssa Maier

Talyssa Maier

21 years old
50 kg


Talyssa is a true neutral. Her only goal is to survive, which may result in her taking the life of someone who is posing a threat of some kind. However, she is not prone to violence unprovoked. Like anyone else, she has emotions, and some things can really get under her skin. Instead of lashing out though, she might slam a bottle of alcohol or try to self-medicate with another remedy. She can be easily described as observant, ambitious, and kind. On the flip side, she can be too trusting of others. It wouldn't take her very long to determine someone's true nature, however, unless they were a really good liar who acted careful enough not to be called out by their body language. Even then, she tries to see the good in everyone.


Talyssa is a young, healthy woman in her early twenties. She has green, deep-set eyes and long brown hair. Her expression is typically relaxed. From what one can tell, she is roughly around 5'7'' and 140 lbs. Tall and lean. When she speaks, she has faint indications of an accent. She also tends to roll her r's.

Notable Skills

Talyssa can also be described as someone with a willingness to learn, and fast too. She is a jack of all trades. While she was going to school to be a doctor, she was only in her first year when the outbreak happened. She knows what is essentially the basics of medical school. Post-outbreak, she has learned some of the basic skills required to survive. She is fluent in both English and Romanian, though the latter she hasn't spoken since the last time she seen her parents.


Talyssa Relia Maier was born on December 20th, 1980 in Bucharest, Romania. Her parents had struggled for years to conceive, and she would be their only child. Her childhood was filled with lots of love as a result. The Maier's did their best to shelter their daughter from the reality of poverty, keeping the pressures of living under communist rule as far from her as possible. This proved more difficult as time passed and things continually worsened in the country. Her father began to get involved in some illegal activities, though he was no criminal himself. These activities eventually bought their ticket out of the country as stowaways on a plane. By 1985, the Maier's were living in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is where Talyssa grew up. Life in the United States wasn't necessarily easier though, and this time it was impossible to shelter her from their struggles. Her parents were almost completely absent from the home due to working second and third jobs. Meanwhile, she had started going to school. Education was something that was instilled in her by her parents. They encouraged her to study, even outside of school. All of which paid off in the long run, or it would have, had the outbreak never happened. She was attending Long Island University Brooklyn to study medicine when things fell through. She was ultimately left stranded around 616 miles away from home with no way back as traffic jammed within a matter of minutes, and she relied heavily on wits and athleticism to retreat into the relative safety of her apartment. Luckily, she had run track in high school and maintained a healthier lifestyle. Within days, she had to leave her apartment for supplies. That is when she made her first kill. An enraged civilian charged her as she made it into the lobby, and she had no choice but to defend herself with whatever was available to her. She used an extinguisher to strike against the skull of the attacker in a desperate attempt to escape them. It was frightening at first, but something that she would soon get used to. Two weeks post-outbreak, the streets of Brooklyn had become crowded with infected. She knew she had to relocate. She had heard rumors of safe zones on the radio before it went completely silent, and would actively seek to find one. She ended up being semi-successful in that she discovered other survivors living about a block away. They weren't government, but they had everything needed to survive, including a rooftop farm. This is how she survived up until this point. Just last week, nearly two years post-outbreak, she and a few other survivors had decided to leave the city for good. They had recently gotten lucky and happened upon an operatable tugboat. However, luck wouldn't be on all of their sides as the boat left the port. It is unknown what happened to the other survivors. Talyssa, however, woke up shipwrecked on Braddock Island.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
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Players Online 35 | Staff Online 0 | Game Time 6PM, May 19, 2002
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