Eve Colli
31 years old
104 kg
Almost eternally tired mentally yet there always seems to be a stubbornness behind her eyes. Eve is creative with words, with cars, and with music. She doesn't give up, she's passionate about her friends, and is constantly wanting to get tougher for either 1. protecting the people she cares about or 2. spitting in the face of those in authority. She is not afraid to sling insults and oftentimes finds joy in it whether under her breath, on the side, or straight in your face. Despite all of this and her strong physique, Eve is a gentle and caring person around her friends and anyone she cares for and is extremely protective of them.
Eve is 6'4" and has a bulky and strong build with a bit of chub as she never was one for ripped bodybuilding, just heavy labor. Her long blonde hair lays at her shoulders and her eyes are often lit up behind all the grease smears. She's used to smiling and laughing even when scared (just her common response to most emotions). She likes wearing varieties of clothes (though often slightly punk in nature) yet everything she wears seems to have patches, dirt, grime, and/or stitches all over them. Alongside this she always wears three dogtags around her neck, one for each her parents and one she made for herself years after either of their military years.
Notable Skills
Eve's arms work best for three main things, hugging those she loves, playing music (specifically drumset and guitar), and working on cars (of many varieties!), all of which she is amazing at. She may have been a highschool dropout but she's smart in the things she enjoys. Even then she's learned and picked up a lot of skills and lessons of life through the years, loving to read and talk to people about the world and their interests. Alongside this Eve is also a pretty tough gal both through endurance and strength, even taking on some of her veteran mechanic coworkers in fun wrestling matches from time to time. She's got a strong body, all the better to love those close to you and bring 250 lbs men to the ground!
Eve Colli grew up in a military household, her mother, Holly Colli, was in the marines and her father, Calvin Colli, was in the navy. Because of this she became accustomed to moving from base to base, her parents being on-duty most days and, in turn, leaving Eve to her own devices. With this freedom she would find an interest in cars, music, and grow into the rambunctious punk she is today.
As she found more and more interest in mechanics she'd work or hang around any car shop close to the bases she lived on, working on everything from common vehicles, to a few military vehicles, to even bikes for a biker gang out of Texas throughout her life. At the age of 16 she'd even drop out of highschool, not finding much interest in it, and working as a mechanic. Once she turned 18, Eve would move off to a town in Virginia, living out of an apartment and working for a mechanics shop tucked away in the ridges of the state. After she turned 22 her Dad would pass away from heart issues, leading to her Mom moving to Virginia, both daughter and mother living out of the same apartment, Holly working odd jobs, Eve working as a mechanic.
During these years following this and leading up to the outbreak, Eve matured, dated a few people, medically transitioned (gender), got her class ring sold for drugs by her ex, and enjoyed living alongside her Mom and working on any vehicle coming off the highway through town. Despite this she'd still daydream about traveling like she used to and wanted to do so with her Mom. This wouldn't happen though as a few months after Eve's 27th birthday her Mom would pass away in a car crash. With this Eve began to throw herself into her work, quickly throwing away her dreams of travel. A deep depression she still has trouble with.
Right before the outbreak would hit, a band called Invasive Species would drive through town, their van on its last leg. Little did Eve know, this broken van would lead to her meeting her future girlfriend, Melancholly Murdock, and her eventual escape from the dead end town she now dreaded. As she worked on the van she'd listen to the radio and stories of the strange events around the country until the day Mel came back around needing a new driver, the rest of her band having left. They'd first head off towards New York, the area of Mel's next show, before realizing the world was going to hell. On their journey Eve began to realize she kind of liked Mel. Along with this they'd pick up another passenger named Froimi (a fan of Mel's band) before hopping on a ferry, escaping to Braddock Island in hopes of leaving the main land nightmare behind...
If that was even possible.