Max Dazer
34 years old
82 kg
Hardened by sea wolves and no stranger to death, Max is a steely-tempered man. Always willing to lend a hand to those in need but at the risk of letting them take advantage of that kindness, if that's the case his usual collected self turns into bitterness and malice. Max tries to make things work peacefully but he's well aware that you can't please everyone and sometimes violence is not only needed, but required. His most notable feature is that he's loyal to those he cares about.
Usually shrouded by a hood, this somewhat tall man wears whatever he sees fit for the task at hand, but he prefers a classy style, with a good tie and a sturdy coat if wealth allows it. Though he doesn't mind wearing something less formal or even dirty, he always has a silver crucifix around his neck, a sturdy belt buckle, and a satchel with many pockets.
Notable Skills
A man who works sun to sun is a man with many qualities. Max has a liking for working with metal, very practical when you're out in the sea for months, or fixing old fences in a graveyard for a decade or two. Cooking and target practice are things he doesn't shy away from either, he loves both.
Son to a dead fisherman from the east coast and raised alone by his mother, Max was brought into the fishing trade by his father's crew, where he spent most of his youth years. His beliefs and decisions in life made him abandon sea life after a few years when his mother passed away, this led him to work as a Graveyard Keeper for the family that ran the local cemetery. Max enjoyed his job; both respectful and curious about death, he made sure the cemetery and its inert inhabitants were taken care of.
Rarely ever spotted, unless he wanted to be, he was always watching over the place. From fixing roofs, to servicing funerals, to lending a hand in the morgue, his range of work would vary depending on what the cemetery needed, Max was just doing his job and he loved it. Once the disease began to spread, he took extra safety measures but ultimately after a while the cemetery wasn't as safe anymore. Even though he wanted to stay and protect the few people that were sheltered in the church, he was assigned a much bigger task.
The mortician had sent his daughter somewhere safer a couple weeks back, and he tasked his most loyal worker to go find her and make sure she was safe. So, Max found a boat down in the docks and set off to Braddock Island, to find the mortician's daughter.