Shaun Williams
21 years old
50 kg
A social butterfly who tries to get along with everyone. Someone who is straightforward and honest to a fault but always tries to put things in the kindest way to minimize conflict. He will not usually resort to violence in any situation. He will only attempt to solve it with communication if no other option is available or people he cares about are threatened.
Dirty brown hair, straight as a roundabout, with green eyes. 5'7 and slim fit. Kind eyes with a warm smile.
Notable Skills
Shaun loves to fish, go on hikes, and take long walks on the beach. In his spare time, he likes working on his Mustang and volunteering at the local soup kitchen, where he utilizes his ASL skills to speak with the local deaf community. He was enrolled in college and working on getting his associate's degree.
Shaun was born to a loving middle-class family in the Bronx in New York, where he played football at his local high school team as a running back. Throughout high school, Shaun enjoyed various activities, such as being on the debate team, practicing sign language to help the local deaf community in shelters, and participating in the track and golf team. Back at home, he had a loving and supportive family, consisting of his dad working at the local auto body shop and his mom working as a chef in a restaurant specializing in Vietnamese cuisine and delicacies. His sister graduated from university with a bachelor's of education and was a big influence on how he lives his life.
Leading up to the outbreak, Shaun was in college, diligently working on his associate's degree. He enjoyed the campus life, attending lectures and participating in extracurricular activities. However, he was not paying much attention to the news, his focus solely on his bright future, unaware of the uncertainty that was about to engulf him.
When people started exhibiting aggressive behaviour, Shaun was taken aback. His initial confusion turned to fear as the situation escalated. At first, he thought they were upset at him for ruining the curve for scoring so high in his classes, and he tried to alleviate this trying to talk some sense into the infected individuals and offered to tutor them for future classes so they could score better. However, as their aggression continued, he was forced to fall back with some classmates who were more aware of current events. They made their way to the harbour, boarded a boat and set sail for the ocean. There, they attempted to contact their family members and loved ones, but to no avail.
After months at sea and with their supplies dwindling, they began to search for land when a violent storm, with thunder that shook the boat and rain that lashed at their faces, hit and capsized the boat. Luckily, they were all wearing life preservers, but they were separated, and after days stranded in the open ocean, Shaun washed ashore on Braddock Island, where he is now.