Image of Vittoria de Luca

Vittoria de Luca

39 years old
103 kg


Since her childhood, Vittoria has been characterized by strong impatience and ambition, as well as a seemingly endless amount of energy that she puts into her projects and actions. She is a spirited and always in a good-mood-personality who can maintain an optimistic attitude even under fire! She feels a very deep devotion to her family and likes to suppress the criminal details that surround them. However, her impatient nature also means that she tends to act hastily and, as in the past, she also jumps over corpses when it concerns her family, for example. She has a tendency to ignore established rules, but always tries to avoid unnecessary violence and has become calmer as she gets older. Her nature is particularly disciplined due to her service in the military and her work is very performance-oriented. She has a penchant for crafts, especially when it comes to weapons, and is quickly bored by office work, which she always tries to avoid. Overall, she has retained her adventurous nature and is always up for exciting ideas and is not afraid to take risks as long as no one uninvolved is affected. Vittoria likes animals and children, but otherwise she loves doing sports and wants to continue doing so in old age. She loves being outside or cooking, especially since she has her family, she has developed a deep inclination towards caring for children. She is very opinionated about criminal activities, she knows from her military experience how difficult corruption is, and in business she was always concerned about her own benefits or those of her family, so she now maintains a balance between the two, based on her experiences. As a former soldier and mother, she is strictly against the mistreatment of weak people and is quite capable of ignoring her own advantages for what is morally right. Her actions are emotional and somewhat impulsive, so she tends to make bad decisions.


The woman has a natural tan that highlights her origins and tends to dye her dark brown hair blonde. She has a very athletic build and the scars of old conflicts on her face, especially on her forehead, cheek and neck. Her green eyes are always alert and her face has a permanent smile on her face, while her voice always has a good-humored sound. The woman's clothing has changed from Italian fashion to functional military clothing, although she now tends to wear more or less both. Even after her service, she tends to wear her old service jacket of the 'Forze Armate Italiane' from her time in the military and protects it particularly well.

Notable Skills

The woman enjoyed a good school education and learned a lot about running companies. However, their core competencies lie in their military service and their logistics obligations. Only later did she develop into a skilled weapon-maker and cook in order to combine her new working life with her family. She is an approachable person and always has a sense of alertness and security.


Vittoria grew up in the city of Merano in the Italian Alps where she lived with her parents in good circumstances. She attended the local school, learned English and German and graduated from high school with good grades. She grew up with her brother, who achieved similarly good results at school, but unlike Vittoria, he had the goal of taking over her parents' mining company. The older the two children got, the greater the distance between the siblings became and as a teenager, Vittoria became increasingly interested in serving in the military. Their parents, who both worked in the company, tried to keep their children out of business life, which also involved dealings with a mafia from Milan. The relationship between Vittoria and her parents was very good and they respected her wish to pursue a career outside of the family business. Since her father comes from Germany, the connections to her relatives there were maintained, so she visited the country many times, but was always drawn to her Italian homeland. When she turned to military service, her brother soon became CEO of the family company and her parents retired early and enjoyed their prosperity. She had a career in the military for several years and reached the rank of Maresciallo in 1985 and worked for logistics, which received an award in 1991 for an operation in Albania to provide basic supplies to the population during a political crisis. However, her service ended in 1997 when a reform reduced the size of the Italian army and she consequently looked for a job in the weapons industry, which she ultimately found in Austria. However, instead of joining management directly, she devoted herself to learning weapon manufacturing and maintained her focus on logistics and personnel management. Vittorias met her future husband in the military, with whom she later fathered two children who lived with her in Milan for many years. Her son Giulio was born in 1985 and remained in Italy when Vittoria went to Austria to start her new career, in the care of her family and is expected to take part in her uncle's family business there in the future. Her daughter Giada was born in 1987 and accompanied her mother to Austria, where she attended an Italian private school so that she could later pursue a military career. The relationship with her children was very good and characterized by deep respect for both parents and the rest of the family. While Vittoria dedicated herself to her new job in the weapons industry in 1997, the problems in the family business became increasingly serious when a mafia clan from Sicily tried to get shares in the mining business. The problems became so great that Vittoria's son withdrew from Milan with his grandparents and went into the care of distant relatives in America. In 1999, the conflict between the mafia of Sicily and Milan came to a head and there were armed clashes in which Vittoria's brother died and her daughter was kidnapped from Austria. Consequently, Vittoria herself used her skills and connections to free her daughter by force of arms and bring her to America as well. The strong conflicts attracted the attention of the Italian police, who suppressed the conflicts, but in the long term the takeover of the family business by the enemy mafia could not be prevented. The new situation was very difficult, but the children were much safer in the care of the family in America, New York. From NY, Vittoria tried to establish herself again in the weapons industry, but the new entry proved to be very difficult. While her children were attending high school and her husband was doing menial work in the trade, they both decided to join the family's questionable business. However, the relatives' business in NY was criminal in nature and not as economically driven as the old business in Italy or Austria. The new businesses quickly brought new prosperity and Vittoria was able to afford a vacation that she wanted to spend alone. During this time, the pandemic quickly spread across the country, making it difficult to get back to NY. Contact with the family was lost and every direction back to the city was blocked by hordes of infected or the military. In addition to the frustration of not being able to reach her husband or children, the situation became increasingly difficult; increasing scarcity of resources and violence between the survivors meant that Vittoria once again resorted to arms when the government was unable to contain the anarchy. As the situation on the mainland became increasingly difficult, Braddock Island came into focus, where there was supposedly still stable government control and perhaps the possibility of getting a ship that could lead back to NY.

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Short Blade
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Wine Making
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 31 | Staff Online 2 | Game Time 7PM, May 19, 2002
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