Image of Jakoby Kan

Jakoby Kan

23 years old
63 kg


Slick, Cunning and quietly Vengeful, Jakoby is at his core an opportunist. Fueled more by a sense of entitlement and idealistic survivalism, he has built a narrow view of the world from his small perspective. Believing in greater things for himself beyond the island, he attempts to find any opportunity to get ahead or rise above his station. This leaves him prone to be easily manipulated or open to doing most things to get a chance at something of substance. This leaves him willing to fill that inadequacy with distractions, making him a rampant party-goer and prankster. His own selfish desires are only mirrored by an equally healthy scepticism of other forms of idealism and values that aren't in line with his own. His apprehensive distrust of authority and a temper that he has learned to channel through impulsive property damage, his various criminal schemes and mischievous misdeeds have left him with a swath of problems with anything to do with the 'Big Picture'. His demeanour is ratlike, always looking and examining or stalking for his next mark or opportunity.


Jakoby is an unkept Asian-American man standing at 5'8. His build is lean, built more for running, partying and kicking mailboxes over. Sunken eyes that are only kept open with caffeine, drugs or adrenaline constantly dart around for anything in his attention. He wears anything and everything he can get his hands on if able as long as it's clean, but he drifts towards wearing more punk wear as a reflection of his unconventional lifestyle. Or his lack of care.

Notable Skills

"Break n' Enter" - Jakoby is wily enough to know how to break into cars, buildings and fences. A natural destructive predator of most private property, with enough time, energy and tools, he can break into most things and find a way to steal anything valuable from it. This leaves him with a basic understanding of some mechanical aspects. Leverage is useful as is lifting with one's knees. "Sneaky Fox" - Quiet, quick and filled with guile, Jakoby learned how to hide and stay out of sight. He is able to slink into the shadows and move noiselessly. "Linguistic" - Jakoby can speak, read and write Cantonese and Mandarin. Although he prefers not to.


Jakoby Kan was born to two Chinese parents who moved to America back in the 70s. The American Dream, more affectionately known to Jakoby, as the American Lie was rife with poverty, exploitation and working from paycheck to paycheck for his family. Right after the conclusion of the Vietnam War, his family was ousted from the state they were living in as a baby to move to glorious Braddock Island. An eclectic island paradise right out of spitting distance of New York City. However, being immigrants, particularly Asian immigrants around what was an isolated island full of prominently white Americans did not leave Jakoby with many friends growing up. Bullied, ostracized and isolated despite growing up with well-meaning, ignorant and strict parents, Jakoby slowly grew resentful and contemptuous of the shackles of society and the unrealistic expectations that were forced upon him. Smaller and scrawnier than most boys his age, Jakoby learned quickly that it would take street smarts and agility to get his way rather than straight-up fights. Outnumbered and outmatched, he would often take his revenge in the form of pranks, property damage and the occasional mischief that he often manages to squirrel away from blame. As he got older, these forms of youthful outbursts would catch the attention of other kids his age and he eventually gained a reputation as a local delinquent and nuisance much to the chagrin of his parents and the local authorithies. It was only after failing the local High School, falling in with the wrong crowd and setting a teacher’s car on fire that the brazen youth was kicked out of the house at the tender age of 17. Reality struck Jakoby a lot faster than most. Braddock, not affording much opportunity for a reckless youth forced him to scrape by selling drugs, stealing cars and valuables or wanton property abuse for hire. Practice allowed him to be sneaky, quiet and resourceful when evading the law and other more hardcore criminals. One of the few luxuries he does spend on other than clothes, food and a roof over his head is music. A rampant party-goer and concert lover, he would often catch any band that gave him an excuse to moshpit. Perhaps the only place he felt, he could belong. By the time he turned 21, much of his motivation to commit crime was used to fund his musical escapades and a small fund that he hoped would allow him to finally escape this small, inconsequential island and maybe try to move to glorious New York. A place he had come to idealised for anyone savvy enough and wily enough to make it if they tried. Then the news shattered those dreams. The quarantine was raised. The Walls went up and there weren't any more boats leaving or going anymore. The crew Jakoby hung out with thought up a scheme to hijack some rich yokal's boat and steal enough supplies to take them anywhere they wanted to go. Yet, when the time came to finally escape the island, the authorities caught them right out of the docks. They burned down the boat and any dreams of ever escaping the island with it. Split apart from his friends and taken to some sort of internment camp for some unforeseen amount of time, Jakoby sits waiting for the world to end. Brewing in boredom and sober misery, hoping for the one thing he always wanted. An Escape.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 80 | Staff Online 6 | Game Time 9AM, August 4, 2002
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