Image of Maeve Aoilin Benford

Maeve Aoilin Benford

25 years old
80 kg


Maeve is a rather outgoing individual. She’s long since cooled off from her years of being rambunctious but retains a light heart. Much like her brother, she has a strong determination in the things she does- paired with an overall optimistic outlook on life in general. She leans more towards being kind where possible for her.


Maeve stands 5’6, and carries long, stark white hair. Her skin is near unnaturally pale, and her eyes are light blues freckled with red or violet appearing hues- as is signature of albinism. Accompanied by a heart face shape, with defined cheekbones.. Her figure is willowy in appearance, being that her form is lithe.

Notable Skills

She is heavily skilled with field medicine, having been learning it very closely for the most recent years of her life- yet having aided in her fathers gunsmithing since she was a small child- Maeve still keeps the practice close to her heart, and likewise still holds some skill of her own in it.


Maeve was born mid-January 1977, a year after her brother Greyson. Things were amazing, her first few years of life- though upon hitting 4, her family would be shaken by the passing of her mom. She was left with her father, Gar Sr. and three elder brothers. Greyson, being the only one of the three who was fully related to her. And while Greyson took to understanding death, and adapting to it- Maeve grew much more sour with the now missing piece of their family picture- not quite able to wrap her head around the fact mom wasn’t coming back. She was raised rather closely with her brother[far younger than their two half brothers]. Their father, despite the loss of his wife was still a hardworking man. The two raised on respect, and often aiding their father with gunsmithing- his pride and joy. He certainly wasn’t distant, or at the least, the very intrusive and curious Maeve didn’t allow him to be. A caring softie where it mattered, and came through like Hell to ensure the future of his kids. No less, outside of home- she was somewhat of a trouble child- to the dismay of her brother and her father[in the few cases he was aware of]. Often kicking up some sort of issue somewhere. Going from small bickering at school to participating in takeovers and other such things. Finding a passion for music- particularly guitar in her band of bastards. Though, she’d get a wake up call soon enough. In 1993, Maeve alongside her father and brother went to visit the half-brothers. Situated in Knox. The visit was fine at first- but upturned quickly, as on the way home from dinner their car was struck by a drunken driver. Veering off into the road, by the time paramedics arrived- her elder brothers were gone. Only 16, Maeve was far more than shaken. Yet unlike before, her inability to help sparked a small fire. Her bad habits- and behavior were quickly dropped. And she would become deadset on becoming a doctor. Dropping whatever ideas she’d picked up along the way of growing up- such as starting a band or racing cars- and picking up studies and classes aimed towards medicine instead. A year before graduation, she’d bid her brother goodbye as he ventured off to join the navy. No less- upon graduating from highschool mid 1995- her uncle [mother’s brother] became aware of her interest in becoming a doctor from her father. The uncle- being a surgeon himself, offered to pull a few strings. Maeve was fairly close with her mother’s side of the family, and in such she knew he was situated on ‘Braddock island’. A smaller island off the coast of NY- and with him having lived there for a long while she didn’t doubt he could. After a few weeks- she would get a letter regarding an EMT program. Lightning quick to take the offer, she found herself moving to Braddock island 1996, and for the remainder of her time living there- practicing to become a paramedic. Finishing the EMT program in its usual years-timespan, and entering the paramedics program afterwards. Through the years, Maeve had kept in loose contact with Greyson by way of letters. The two agreeing for him to visit on his leave- as it’d been a long while since they’d last seen one another. Avoiding the Christmas rush, he’d visit early February. Though, in recent news- and as time went on. The two had an idea neither of them would be going much anywhere soon. The practicing medic well-aware just how unknown and dangerous the ‘random attacks’ due to an ‘infectious disease’ could be. . She would nervously watch alongside her brother as it all unfold in real time.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
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Players Online 76 | Staff Online 5 | Game Time 9AM, August 4, 2002
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