Lance Montgomery
31 years old
58 kg
Lance had problems with other people, since his parents didn't bothered to talk to him and his fellow classmates were mostly living their best years having fun, while he was learning and testing himself. He have some sort of pity and kindness to others and acts with sense of justice, loyalty, honor and equality, but he acts towards people mostly with arrogance and carefree attitude, as a result of his interactions to most closest ones. He thinks about violence as a measure, which might be applied, when other options are not working, though instead of charging to the fray, he prefers to solve problems from shadows or distance, as it could be done by spies and agents he read books about.
Despite his awareness of family lineage, he doesn't like luxuries, despises the thought of being owner of business, expensive property or belongings and prefers to have his surroundings in cold, formal and dark tone, where he can more relate of functionality of personal measures on solving problems. It shows on how he gonna dress himself, what living conditions he want to keep and what food he prefers to eat. He also likes calm Jazz and Blues music, whiskey and rum-based drinks, fedora hats and trench coats.
Lance Montgomery have low height (5 feet and 4 inches) and thin body, which he have to make himself more slippery and agile. He have dark hair, brown eyes, light skin, trimmed, but thick facial hair, small nose and medium ears. He usually dresses in shirts with buttons, dark pants and simple loafers, he likes to wear fedora hat and trench coats, which makes him look like private investigator, but he prefers his clothes in plain and dark tones, as he not likes to flashy or bright outfits. During some special occasions and field trips he prefers to dress in more durable clothes, such as camouflage pants, studded jackets, face masks and hard boots for survival.
Notable Skills
Since his childhood years, Lance Montgomery was active and developed talents dedicated to his agility and motor skills. He used to read books about action and adventures and it's inspired him to find an experience, worth of his own story. As downside, he got low social skills and he got hard time developing connections with other people.
He studied in Medical University of Boston and thus he have some experience as paramedic and surgeon, but at same time he attended himself to shooting range, for the sake of self-defense and spend his time doing parkour, for situations, where he have to run.
He have some knowledge of naturalism, because he wants to be easily adapted and prepared for survival in wilderness or unknown places, like deep urban areas or underground.
Lance Montgomery was born in Boston, Massachusetts in a wealth family of business holders, which lived in big house in countryside. Their tight schedule and need on making their profits rise, made them to be neglecting towards their child. Lance got his education and solace in library, and even though he was tutored by qualified teachers, he barely talked with anyone and basically had troubles in finding common ground with other people. But books made him to learn many things and he started to feel his bond with adventures, mysteries and thrill of life beyond his comfort. From time to time, he was trying to find his adventure and it made him active, but his parents scolded him for his recklessness and lust for action. The chasm between them was growing, while he tried to find his place in the world.
When he grow older and it was time for him to have a proper education, he decided to use this opportunity to finally be in open world and be as far from his parents as he could. While he still have of his feuds with them, he have managed to propose them his idea of him becoming a doctor. It was a good choice, because for parents - Lance could be seen, if not like good owner of business, but at least, as son of prestigious legacy of their lineage, as one of their ancient relatives were doctors in age of America's colonization. While for Lance it was a distant location, he can learn things which might help other people and he can find as enthusiastic people as him. But reality, when he step in the medical university of Boston, was disappointing. Other students were not sharing his point of view on life and were more busy with sorority parties and being wild. Lance decided to break any tries in contact and dedicate his time in education and finding something more useful to do, like attending firearm training in Dorchester and training parkour skills. He believed what one day he might put those skills in good use.
He gained degree and to surprise of his parents, they didn't have to bribe anyone for having good marks and diploma, as Lance was making, if not best, but high results of education. They decided to attend a diner in private yacht for that occasion on end of Feburary, as well to celebrate the anniversary of Lance's parents and the signing another important contracts of their business deals in what Lance was not very interested, which was extended till the March. But sudden storm interrupted this life in cloistering, as yacht have suffered a lot damage around New York. Lance Montgomery was separated and alone from his parents once more, but this time due to natural disaster, which nobody could predict. He still remembers how not only his mother and father, but entire crew of honest marines got swallowed in waves, while he, using his intuition and close location of deck boats escaped his potential early death
Now, he washed up on a shore of unknown to him Braddock Island. He mourned death of many people, despite being distant to many of them, he had at least some compassion to humanity. Soon this whole situation made him realized, what this time, it was looking like beginning of real adventure, just like in books which he liked to read from his early childhood. It's all real and he can finally prove himself and test his resolve and knowledge he had from years of getting inspired by stories he was fond of. It was time for Lance Montgomery to become a real hero.