Image of Joshua Bender

Joshua Bender

32 years old
94 kg


A surprisingly normal guy with an affinity for big guns and explosives. A bit of a snob when it came to military hardware as he had the latest and greatest gear in special forces. He loves to gamble and will never say no to a game of cards. He has an extreme fear of rights and will refuse to talk about his childhood. He is willing to kill but sees it as a means to an end and its not his first resort. He also has an extra severe fear of water towers.


a 6-foot incredibly jacked white man with no tattoos. Brown hair and blue eyes that tend to be hidden behind and mask and a helmet.

Notable Skills

Intimate knowledge of firearms as it was up to him to fix his weapons in the field. surprisingly clumsy and is a very very good shot. Hand-to-hand combat was never his strong suit as his large frame didn't allow the best mobility with bladed weapons. He also can shuffle cards like a pro.


Born and raised in Texas, Joshua enjoyed a normal middle-class childhood until his parents divorced when he was 15. After his mom and dad split, he spent a lot of time in the gym and his grades started slipping to the point where he barely passed all of his classes. He started to make stupid decisions and apart from the gym did nothing but drink and party. One fateful day Joshua and a few of his friends were dicking around on an abandoned water tower and one of his friends fell through a thin piece of sheet metal. This event caused him to develop a crippling fear of heights and he never quite got over his friend's death. He managed to pass all his classes with a low C, but his lack of extracurriculars prevented him from getting into a single college. His only option was to join the military at the ripe old age of 18 fresh out of high school. He scored poorly on his ASVAP so he was sent to an infantry unit where he spent the next year this time in his life was the most freedom he would ever have in his career, he tried dating around but he had no luck in that regard. he even tried to get into trading stocks but he could never seem to get how markets worked. He didn't want to be in the military forever and once he got out he wanted to open a restaurant in a tropical part of the country. His downtime was spent hanging out with friends and spending time at the casino. He almost went bankrupt due to his excessive gambling and this caused him to have to renew his army contract to pay his debt back. After a few years of guard duty and cleaning latrines, he signed up for the Army Rangers selection program and he was admitted. He mainly signed up for the massive pay bonus that the Rangers offered and figured he could deal with a few extra years of military life. He sadly was washed out rather quickly due to a crippling fear of heights but this did not discourage him. After waiting the minimum amount of time he re-applied and gave special forces selection another go. This time he passed with flying colors and went on to serve as a ranger in the newly broken-out Gulf War. On his return from the war he was allowed to join Army Delta, Joshua reluctantly accepted the offer as he wasn't keen on spending the rest of his life in military service, but the money was too good to pass up. And so he began the rigorous training process for the highly elite unit. He passed this selection on his first try and was inducted into the army's elite black ops team. He spent the next few years doing various operations such as high-value target assassinations and guarding high-value individuals. During this time he was contacted by a mysterious group called the E.M.P.I.R.E. He was told to attend a top secret conference. At the conference, he and several other Delta members and a few wealthy businessmen were briefed on a new organization that would work as a shield against any extreme threats. Joshua was on board with the idea to start but he was even more willing to join when he was shown his total compensation for joining the elusive group. Once the paperwork was signed and hands were shaken Joshua's records were burned and deleted. He then took immediate advantage of the EMPIRE'S generous pto policy and took a few weeks off to go see his cousin in London. He booked a first-class two-way ticket and set off towards his destination. His time in London was great as he spent his time playing cards and drinking with his extended family. He spent a few weeks there and got on a return flight to the States. (if not chosen for plane pre-season mini-event he then was flown to Braddock Island where went to find the rest of the imperial group.) (some extra info) Joshua was raised in a reform Jewish household, so he never got any tattoos or anything of the sort. He also has a slight grudge against people who got into college as he tried but no institutions wanted him.

Long Blunt
Short Blunt
Long Blade
Short Blade
First Aid
Wine Making
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 76 | Staff Online 8 | Game Time 10AM, August 4, 2002
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