Bernard DeDenezieres
37 years old
68 kg
- Taciturn
- Is mostly oriented about self preserving himself
- Has no wish for violence, rather peaceful ways
- Just like fishing, farming, and hunting
- Is a simple man, with simple needs, a good cooked meal is essential to his mental health.
Can be talkative when it comes to prepare food, cooking. And simple things from life.
Appreciate to contribute to any community that welcome him/in need
Loves blue cheese.
Always appreciate a very good fish
Hates :
- Mechanics
- Touchy people
- A person called Lihn (But really appreciate her because she is so nice)
- Romantic books
- Being taken in pictures
Bearded with Favoris
White skin
One or two scars on his torso
Short black hair
Brown eyes
Never seems to smile
Notable Skills
Track and Hunt animal
Skin animals and prepare them for cooking
Preserving food
Fishing in soft and salt waters
Prepare the fish to be cooked or processed
Never ask him his special coffee liquor
Make good cheese, and good bleu cheese
Has green thumbs and can grow pretty much any temperate climate crops
Is happy if his bees are happy
Likes to make sausages
Speak english, french and japanese
Born in a poor family of peasants, couldn't go at school, and helped at the farm as he could when he was able. Taking care of the cattle, fishing, hunting, in order to feed his family.
Also developped a taste for farming and tree grafting.
At 14, his parents decided for his greater good to send him to the nearest military school. Since they couldn't afford better.
After a few years following a strict education turning 18, he was offered to enter the french infantry. After discussing with his family, they all decided it would be the best for solving the financial issues. As his salary would just be sent to his family. So he accepted.
His regiment was sent in Baden-Baden, in germany, as a collaboration between USA, Germany, and France in military operations. Due to cliché and cultural view, and also due to his grade of « First Class », he was mostly part of the kitchen crew.
It lasted two years, where he tied some friendships with Americans Soldiers, less with the Germans due to the « cold » moments between France and Germany. He was offered to be moved to the Camp Fuji in Japan. With a promotion by the french army to « Caporal ». Even if it meant distance from his family at least it would save them from financial troubles.
Once in Camp Fuji in Japan, near Shiruoka, he did pretty much the same as in germany, but this time as one of the chefs. A rumor circulated that the American rathered take some French people to prepare the food as it was boosting the morale of the units. During his permissions times, taking some « touristical » trips around Shiruoka.
The culture shock was strong outside of the military camp, but also appreciable. To be able to enjoy despite the military obligations. To be at the other side of the world, in a country he is just a pure stranger.
During his free time, he was allowed to join his japanese colleagues during their Kendo martial classes. Developping a taste for japanese cuisine, and also had a relationship with a japanese girl named Miko Kobayashi the first year of staying in japan.
She learnt him to get closer to the Japanese culture, even if he will be forever a Gaijin to the Japanese people.
After 4 years of relation they ended up marrying and having a child, Yumi Kobayashi. And at the 7th year, a son named Kaito.
During the 12 years Stationned in Japan he had a few back and fourth and letter exchanges with his family in France, until... One day the French government sent him a letter. The farm was burnt in a wildfire and all his family died or was reported missing.
On a pragmatic sense it wouldn't make any sense to go back there, but did triggered the eternal question « Where do I belong ? ».
As his ties with France died, even if married with a Japanese, maybe it would be better to move to a country where none of them would issue cultural issues. As even on Miko side, her family was rejecting her to the fact she was with a « Gaijin ». A « commoneer ».
Bernard and her had their plan finalized and were ready to leave Japan, Bernard decided to resign from the army, and ask to his American colleagues where they could settle in America.
Captain Johnson, one of the Camp Fuji friends of Bernard, told him to go to Braddock Island. As he has relatives that will welcome them there, and work in their farm until they can have their own home.
Sadly he ended up on Braddock alone, as Miko suddently vanished from the surface of the earth before taking her flight with him, and japanese authorities did not gave him any sign about any investigation going. And pushed him to the plane he had to take.
2 years passed, and he is now on Braddock Island, still maintaining the farm of the Johnson Family. Even if still scarred by his separation, he found comfort in making again french specialities, and feeding people just like he fed his family when he was a child.
He would had been spotted a few tiems either at the farm, hunting, or local market to sell french specialities or just island specialities. Lending a hand there and there, repairing places and homes.
His friends had to force him to a photographer to actually get a picture as a potential memory of him.
This is how he died.