📜 Server Info

✍️ Handy Starting Information

  • Before you can log in, you will need to join the Server Queue here on the website. This will have to be done every time you log in, as it acts like a miniature whitelist.

  • Taking too long (15+ minutes) on the "Click to Start" page will get you kicked for slot hoarding. When this happens, don't try to log in again for another 15 minutes. Every time you try before those 15 minutes, it resets your timer.

  • After you have created your character for the first time, if you ever log in to find yourself back on the character creation screen, exit the game and reload. This is a common bug. Don't remake your character.

  • When you first create a character, you start with some of the in-game currency, called Scrip. Don't lose this! It will help your character get started, and allow your character to pay for ferry service fast travel around the island.

  • Many skills are capped based on traits taken at the start. It may be better to specialize in a few things rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades! You don't have to take traits that align with your character's IC personality and skills, but it's encouraged. For more detailed information on the caps, check out the XP Caps post on Discord.

  • Because this is a custom map, towns may be unfamiliar to you. The map of Braddock Island can be found here.

  • Deaths do not have to be treated IC! You can respawn as many times as you like, though you only get one free death every three IRL days. Any subsequent deaths will garnish 15% of your earned XP. When you die, your loot will be dropped in a death box by your corpse that is locked to other players for 30 minutes. There is a teleport button to teleport you back to your body after you respawn, but on the off chance that it is bugging out and not showing up, try to remember where you died so you can find your way back!

  • You spawn with an in-game radio, which can help your character find people. Channel 100 is the public channel in-game. The guide to using walkie-talkies is here.

  • Certain modded backpacks can despawn if you leave them on the ground. If it's not a base game backpack, don't place or drop it somewhere! Put it in a container if you need to stow it. Bags that despawn will not be refunded.

  • Use "/status [what you want to say]" to make a little descriptor that floats above your character's head. Many people will put quick identifying features up there, like "5'8", mid twenties, friendly looking" to make up for PZ's limited graphics.

  • Right click on the feet of other characters to get the option to "View Bio", which will bring up their website character bio! Steam Overlay must be enabled.

  • Play around with the cogwheel on the chat box to see some cool features, like halting beard growth, selecting one player to focus on (which opens a separate chat tab with just them, perfect for a crowded room), or enabling autoclean. Never wash your characters manually again!

  • Re-map the Q/shout key to something on the opposite end of the keyboard. The Q key is also the emote key (long press to bring up the emote wheel!), and extremely easy to hit by accident, causing your character to shout and draw in every infected in a 50 mile radius.

➡️ These and many more good starting tips can be found in this Discord post!

WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 35 | Staff Online 0 | Game Time 5PM, May 19, 2002
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