Safehouses, Basements, and Vehicles

🏠 Safehouses

Safehouses are areas that only the safehouse owner and approved guests can access. Safehouses gates and doors are considered "RP-locked", meaning that even if you can mechanically step through the door, you shouldn’t without permission from the owner. To access a safehouse nefariously, put in a Raid Ticket.

Safehouses are obtained by right-clicking on a residential building and clicking ‘Claim Safehouse.’ Non-residential buildings such as warehouses and shops cannot be claimed in this way, to avoid hindering the supply of loot in the world.

  • If you want a custom safehouse area, such as only one apartment in an apartment complex, a walled-in extension, or a player-built base, put in a safehouse ticket. Safehouses and bases should be proportionate to your group size, and staff may turn down your request if you’re trying to obtain a comically large area for one person. Custom safehouses can only be rectangular in shape, so figure that in to the area you want.

Base designs should be kept realistic to the area they are in, the abilities of those in an apocalyptic world, and the physics of Earth. There should be no impossible structures, or elaborate mansions built in the middle of the woods. Safehouses cannot block off roads, and safehouse walls should be built a tile or two back from the road to give drivers ample space.

Safehouses expire after 21 days of inactivity. Logging on will not be enough, you must interact with the safehouse itself to keep it up.

If you discover a safehouse that is no longer claimed (a safehouse is unclaimed if you can access containers and right-click on the floor inside), and there are no notes on the ground indicating that it currently belongs to someone, you may loot it. You may not loot the unclaimed yard of a currently claimed safehouse without a raid ticket.

⏬ Basements

“Basements” are special zones created to reduce lag in cities. Anyone who lives in or owns a business in a city or crowded settlement is entitled to a free basement, and if staff discover you have many thousands of items in your base, you may be gently encouraged (forced) to get one. Basements have no material or skill requirements.

Basements are made by creating a teleport zone in a free space of two adjacent tiles.


There are no "stair" tiles that face north or west, so if you want it to look cute, your character needs to be able to walk east or south into said space.


The basement design.

The basement space itself will be located on a distant part of the map, where all your clutter won’t affect the loading time of people who get near your safehouse.

Basements can be decorated, but they should be used primarily for storage, not as a cozy hangout space. The vast majority of your stored items should go in the basement, because all items, even items in boxes, contribute to black-boxing and lag. Just because all 5000 of your ripped sheets are in boxes doesn’t mean the game won’t load them every time someone drives by your base.

To get a basement, open a general ticket.

🚗 Vehicles

The vehicle claim system allows you to claim up to four vehicles (including trailers). Car claims expire after 21 days of inactivity. Car permissions can be modified by right-clicking anywhere and selecting the vehicle you want to modify from the 'Vehicle Claims' option.

Be careful not to leave these permissions on. Attempting to remove items or siphon gasoline from a claimed car with permissions off will tell a player they have no access, but leaving permissions on might mean a player siphons gasoline or takes items without realizing it's a claimed vehicle.

  • Taking items or siphoning gas from a claimed vehicle is not allowed, even if you were not aware that it was claimed. To check if a car is claimed, right click on the car. If it belongs to a player, it will say 'Claimed by [Name]' at the top. Always check, especially if the vehicle is in suspiciously good condition, or near an obvious player base. Unclaimed cars that are not parked in someone's currently claimed base can be looted or taken, if there's not a note on the ground outside the car denoting temporary ownership.

  • Many cars in one area can cause excess lag. If you are found to be hoarding cars (I.E. far more than your claimed amount), mods may remove some.

  • All vehicles may be salvaged. This includes everything from taking needed parts to get your vehicle running, to completely breaking the vehicle down to metal. This does not mean it's okay to strip every vehicle in a parking lot. Anyone caught mass stripping and leaving husks behind will be issued a strike.

WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 29 | Staff Online 2 | Game Time 10PM, May 19, 2002
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