đź”’ General Rules

OOC and Server Rules

  • You must be 18 years old to play on the server, or 16 and older if you joined before July 1st, 2023.

  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexual harassment will not be tolerated, IC or OOC. Players are expected to be good to one another; frustration is not an excuse for assholery.

  • Staff members are held to the same standards of behavior as players; if a staff member is being hostile or abusing their powers, open an Admin Only ticket to report the behavior. If that staff member is an Admin, ask for the server owner in your ticket.

  • You must add your character name to your Discord display name.


IC and In-Game Rules


  • All IC (in character) communication is text-based. There is no VOIP, and no roleplay within the OOC voice channels on the Discord. All IC communications are to be kept in-game, on the DX44, or in faction message boards.

  • Any communication, be in or out of game, should be delivered with respect to other players. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

  • Any information learned from Discord outside of any specifically in-character channels (such as the radio, newspaper, events, and faction boards) is to be taken OOC (out of character), and cannot be used IC.

  • AI-generated or -enhanced text is not to be used in your application or your in-game emotes or radio posts. This includes anything that modifies your text beyond 2015-era Word grammar and spellchecking. Players who disregard this and submit AI character applications may be banned.

  • Planning and character discussion should be kept to RP Planning Tickets on Discord. DMs between players are not moderated except in extreme circumstances.

  • The creation of external Discords or servers to communicate with your friends and faction members is highly discouraged, as they can often lead to metagaming.

  • In-game OOC chat should be used sparingly, to clarify emotes and circumstances.

  • You may not disguise your character's voice. In public RP, and over the radio, your character's voice will be considered fully recognizable, regardless of whether they use a voice changer, an accent, pitch their voice higher or lower, imitate someone else, etc.

    • Using the official ASL language option is considered similarly recognizable. Miming actions, when done with creativity and not just as a 1:1 replacement for verbal dialogue, is exempt from this, and you will maintain your anonymity.

Other Characters

  • Safehouse gates and doors are considered "RP-locked" unless otherwise noted. Do not wander around personal safehouse compounds, and do not take any items from their immediate yards (even if the safehouse doesn't extend to that area) without a raid ticket. You can check if an area is safehoused by right-clicking; if you cannot click on the ground, it is a safehouse.

  • Right click any car you find to see if it is claimed before you attempt to do anything with it. If it gives you the option to claim it, it is unclaimed; if it belongs to another player, it will say 'Claimed by [Name]' at the top. Siphoning gas or taking items from a claimed car will get you in trouble, even if you didn't know it was claimed.

For more information about safehouses and vehicles, check out the Safehouses, Basements, and Vehicles page.

Your character:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.

  • Must be largely an original concept. Playing characters ripped straight from other media is not allowed.

  • Must be realistic. Funny character concepts are accepted; purely “joke” characters usually are not. The character concept should be somewhat grounded, and not a badass-of-all-trades. If they are military, they should not be "all military, all the time", and should have other defining characteristics.

  • Should avoid gratuitous childhood trauma and abuse. Not every kid has a happy childhood, but skip abuse for the sake of it, and use trigger warnings when appropriate. We don't allow SA of underage characters in a backstory, and we draw the line at children being sold into slavery or raised (either voluntarily or involuntarily) to be the "ultimate weapons." Your character can be badass without starting their training at 12.

  • Should not be based on any real-life “hot button issues.” No terrorist groups, no current extreme political parties. Avoid stereotyping.

  • Cannot know any of your other characters, or benefit from their hard work. They cannot be in the same faction, cannot share resources, and should not share identical feelings about other characters.

  • Must include their real name in brackets when utilizing the /name command in-game, such as: Masked Figure [Bob Smith].

  • Should have features grounded in realism, like eye and hair colors that are naturally found in humans, and a lack of pointed ears, fangs, etc. To avoid height creep, they should be at or under 6'5" (195 cm), or under 6'9"(205 cm) if you specify that their height is a disadvantage to them.

  • Must showcase any mental illnesses with nuance and care. Staff will often reject character applications where a mental illness is used in a ham-fisted way, or else pull you in to a ticket to discuss your intentions with the character and your familiarity with the mental health issues at hand, to make sure we're not perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

    • In almost all circumstances, mental illnesses are not allowed in Violent characters, particularly when that mental illness is used to explain the character's violent nature. If you have questions about this, or wish to discuss a character concept, you can open a ticket.
    • Characters who are profoundly mentally disabled or affected-- who have trouble caring or advocating for themselves, comprehending what is happening around them, or controlling their behavior during serious scenes and events-- are not allowed. This includes characters who respond this way because of extreme trauma.

If you have questions about the rules, or want to pitch an unusual character concept, you can open a Application Question ticket on the Discord.

Bleed, Metagaming, and FailRP:

When roleplaying on this server, you are expected to maintain a strong emotional wall between your character and yourself. Your character is not you; they are a person in this story, and stories aren’t interesting if a character is all-knowing and all-powerful. You cannot win all the time.

  • Bleed is when the line between you and your character blurs, and you become upset when things happen to them that you don’t like.

  • Metagaming is having your character know something IC that you learned OOC, often to give them an advantage.

  • FailRP is behaving in a way that is unrealistic to the character or to the world around them, such as not properly showing fear when their life is at stake, not RPing an injury realistically, or otherwise treating this like a video game and not your character's very real life.

More examples of these issues can be found over here. All of these issues are punishable offenses.

Sensitive and Explicit RP topics:

  • Sexual assault, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc., cannot be a part of your RP. You cannot wield these topics as an IC accusation against other characters. Any violation of this, IC or OOC, will result in an immediate strike.

    • Sensitive topics like this can be used tactfully in your character’s backstory, so long as your character is not the one perpetuating these things. Use trigger warnings where appropriate.
    • Pregnancy, babies, miscarriages, and abortions cannot be RPed in-game.
  • Mutilation/gore (dismemberment, permanent injury, explicitly bloody scenes), torture (physical or psychological), and degradation of basic rights (stripping characters of dignity, starving them, denying them person hygiene), can ONLY be RPed with clear, prior consent in place through RP Planning Tickets. It must be clearly communicated that participation in these types of roleplay is entirely voluntary. Players should feel free to decline without fear of retaliation or negative consequences.

  • ERP is allowed, but anything steamier than a kiss should be kept to the in-game Private Chat function (use the cogwheel on your chat box to initiate), and never done where other players have the potential to overhear. ERP is far from the focus of this server, and the same should apply to your characters.

    • Strip clubs, sex work, and other sex clubs are allowed to be briefly and tastefully mentioned in your character’s backstory, but not RPed in-game. No money or items should change hands for ERP and no characters should engage in sexual acts with other players for profit.
WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 78 | Staff Online 7 | Game Time 11AM, August 4, 2002
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