❗ Events

Wasteland has a storytelling branch that aims to provide fun and engaging content for players on the server. Events can also be run by players, sometimes with staff help and sometimes without. In all events, you are expected to treat the scenario with the respect it deserves.

  • Goofing off in serious events, treating an NPC like they're disposable because they have an NPC tag on their name, or refusing to show any degree of caution or fear in a life-threatening situation will fall under FailRP. Read more about FailRP here.

  • Repeated lack of fear or respect towards NPCs may put your character at risk for a CK. You will be warned of this in a ticket ahead of time so that you can change up your character's behavior, if desired.

Staff Events

Server-wide staff-run events will be announced on the Events channel, or potentially on the NPC radio. Unless otherwise specified, any event announced in the Events channel will be free for any player to participate in.

Staff may have certain rules in place regarding the events that they run that they will inform players of before the event begins. Failure to adhere to these rules may cause your character to be removed from the event. It's stressful work managing dozens of players, and the Storytelling team has the final say on what happens in an event.

  • If you want to derail a staff event with your own RP, you will need a ticket approved beforehand. Organic RP is acceptable, but premeditated disruption where you've failed to notify the organizer of your plans is not. This includes playing music either through instruments or with a boombox.

  • On rare occasions, important server-wide events will cause the server to reach max capacity and potentially prevent participants and organizers from joining. In these instances, people not participating in the event may be asked to log off. This is not a common occurrence and does not happen lightly.

Faction and Donor Events

Donors of the Explorer tier may request one personalized event for their character. This may be something in line with their backstory, their goals moving forward, a traumatic moment to overcome, etc. The event must still fit within the season's lore and be a plausible thing for the character to accomplish.

  • Factions may receive up to one event per month. The event should be something that progresses the faction's story as a whole. Similar to donor events, faction events must be reasonable and lore-compliant.

  • Storytellers will workshop the event with you, and reserve the right to refuse a request if it is too outlandish or you are unwilling to compromise on any aspect.

Player Events

Player events are put on by you, the player! These are things like parties, funerals and weddings, settlement events, excursions into dangerous territories, or plans between your group and another group. Staff may assist in some aspects, but most of the organizing should be on you.

  • You can request an Event Announcement for your player-run event by opening an event ticket. Doing this indicates that your event is open to all players.

Random Events, World-Building Scenes, Quests, and Follow-Ups

Random Events are small events that one or only a few storytellers will spring on a player, often unannounced. These could be anything from an animal interaction, to a small horde, to one or more dynamic NPCs. They can be peaceful, funny, or aggressive, and you should react realistically with your character.

  • In the event of a dangerous event that your character is not prepared for, your character is allowed to flee. You must make an emote of your character fleeing, and physically leave the area. It's a dangerous world, and simply telling the invisible god that you're "not in the mood" isn't sufficient. Fleeing may have consequences for anyone or anything you left behind. If you're not a fighter, you can always work creatively to navigate the situation without violence.

World-Building Scenes are small scenes scattered around the map, denoted with a red "Exclaim" on the ground. They often have no follow-up, and are just world-building flavor. However, if your character wishes to find out more info, you may put in an Events ticket to see if there is anything more to be learned.

Quests are similarly denoted by Exclaims, and will specifically state there is more to be discovered. If you find a quest and wish to follow it, put in an Event ticket to find out more!


Rewards are not guaranteed at any event. Some storytellers may provide rewards for certain events at their discretion. Storytellers have specific guidelines in place regarding the rarity of the loot they are allowed to distribute, and will not be providing you with an Uzi just because you really want one.

WastelandRP © 2021-2025
Players Online 28 | Staff Online 2 | Game Time 7PM, May 19, 2002
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