Player versus Player (PvP) on Wasteland is for story building first and foremost. Wasteland is not a PvP-centric server. Trying to force permanent death on another player should not be your main goal. Focus on creating stories, not ending them. Consider how to make encounters fun for the other players involved over winning.
Agreements made with another player Out of Character (OOC) can supersede any rule below as long as those OOC agreements are made in an RP Planning Ticket, with all parties involved, in good faith, without pressure or coercion. Reports of pressure or coercion is a bannable offense.
You should always get a screenshot or copy of the RP Planning ticket transcript. If you can't produce one then the agreements you have made are meaningless and standard rules will apply.
Respawn is when you die mechanically and then create your character again, usually from a PvE death to zombies, NPCs or mechanical PvP.
Permadeath, also known as Character Kill (CK), is where your character permanently dies. There is no coming back from it. You can always choose to permakill your character by sending them to the graveyard with the dashboard after dying to zombies or from a story-defining PvP, but it can also sometimes be forced from PvP or storyline events.
Second life is essentially a respawn with consequences as an alternative to ⚰️permadeath (see above). You cannot give yourself a second life, you must put in a ticket to request one. A second life will come with conditions such as fearing your killer and roleplaying a serious injury. You can think of Second Life as a comic book character dying dramatically only to turn out to have miraculously survived a few issues later - you must lay low, but can keep on playing.
Wasteland has three types of combat. 🎲Dice, 🎭Roleplay and 🔫Mechanical.
🎲 Dice Combat and 🎭 Roleplay Combat use a turn based ordering and as such can be extremely slow to play out. As a result, there are two rules that apply to them:
/me is starting Dice Combat
followed by /meshout is starting Dice Combat (Late joiners)
. For 🎭 Roleplay Combat, simply change the wording./me is joining combat
./meshout is reinforcing combat
.When: Roleplay combat is an alternative to 🎲 Dice Combat. It offers a freeform way to resolve conflicts through roleplay and can be useful when the result has already been agreed on.
Specific Rules
/me swings a crowbar at John's torso with all his might from the side, attempting to hit the stranger center chest.
Do not include the other characters reaction or consequences of your action, leave that up to the other player. For example, do not do: /me swing his bat, striking Johns face breaking his nose sending blood into the air.
Consequences: Unless the combat is non-lethal (Sparring, brawling, etc), then being 'killed' in roleplay means you need to put in a ticket to ask for a 🌱second life or else accept ⚰️permadeath.
When: The default option for PvP unless players agree to another type. Dice Combat is frequently used during story events run by staff.
Specific Rules
Consequences: Unless the combat is non-lethal (Sparring, brawling, etc), then being downed in Dice Combat means you need to put in a ticket to ask for a 🌱second life or else accept ⚰️permadeath.
When: Mechanical combat can be used when RP or Dice Combat is not feasible due to there being too many players. Most commonly, mechanical combat is used for storyteller events against NPCs.
Specific Rules
Consequences: None, you can 🌀respawn freely unless special Storyteller rules apply.
If you down another character in 🎲 Dice Combat or 🎭 Roleplay Combat, you should open a ticket to report it to staff. The consequences will be that the victim will ⚰️permadie or ask for 🌱second life. If you think the victim should ⚰️permadie then you can state your case in the ticket, citing evidence such as video recordings of the PvP, prior interactions and conflict history.
Taking roleplay actions such as executing another character point blank, burning their body or chopping them into tiny pieces in order to try and force the other character to ⚰️permadie will result in your petition being automatically denied and an official warning being added to your record for powergaming. Leave them a way out, such as their character being left for dead.
If the victim is granted a 🌱second life then you can state your objectives in fighting the other character to influence the terms. For instance, if your goal was fighting over control of some land, then the victim's 🌱second life conditions may involve giving up the land to you. Staff make the final decision on these conditions.
If you have been downed in 🎲 Dice Combat or 🎭 Roleplay Combat, you can request a 🌱second life with a discord ticket. Staff will then decide if you qualify and notify you of the terms if you do. If your ticket is rejected, you need to ⚰️permadie.
You cannot login while you are waiting for 🌱second life approval unless given permission to do so by staff. You can ask to be allowed to login and RP being in critical condition if your killer has no objections.
The following can weigh in your favor when considering second life requests:
The following will work against you in the request:
"What are you going to do, shoot me?"
before your demise.If your Second Life is approved, staff will lay down the lore (explaining how you survived IC) and give you a list of conditions that go with it. They will include the following at minimum:
If a conflict escalates to a point where large numbers of characters are involved, your group can open a ticket and declare war on the other group. Staff will then create a War Ticket. In the war ticket, leaders of each faction will discuss the rules that will apply during duration of conflict, including topics such as:
Non-hostile NPCs played by Storytellers should be treated like any other character - they are not disposable cannon fodder and trying to treat them as such may result in a fail RP ticket. If combat does occur then storytellers will normally use 🎲 Dice Combat to resolve it.
Events involving groups of Hostile NPCs may sometimes occur. 🔫 Mechanical Combat is used during these events and you can kill on enemies sight. You can also 🌀respawn if you're killed, but Storytellers may set special rules when the event is announced to change this.